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Francesca Negri Interview

Francesca Negri Interview

The Wonderful World of Wine (WWW)
Episode 155
Francesca Negri Interview

The Wonderful World of Wine (WWW) Episode 155 Topic: Francesca Negri Interview

Francesca Negri Profile Photo

Francesca Negri

Geisha Gourmet is the feminine side of food and wine, it is the sensuality of wine, the seduction of the table . Geisha Gourmet is your Sherazade , who pours into your glass every day a story and an emotion that can satisfy your soul and palate.

Geisha Gourmet is me , who has always wanted to live wine and write it for what it is, that is, conviviality, passion, culture, traditions, the toil of men and women, love for their land, landscapes. Live it and write it also for what is its normal enjoyment: an evening with friends, a tête-à-tête, an aperitif with the sunset in your eyes. In short, mine is a romantic and perhaps popular vision of wine, but it is the one that I believe more than any other can reach your heart and induce you to give yourself the pleasure of a bottle, understanding its values.

In 2021 I will continue to do what I have always done, but with some new things that I hope you will like.

I am passionate. Of wine and cooking. Of stiletto heels and clothes. Of meat cooking on the grill and the magical ritual of homemade tagliatelle . Of the thousand stories that a wine tells you and the memories that you can hide inside. Of rows of vines immersed in the warm light of dusk, with all their poetry. Of life.

I am lucky, because I have been able to make a job out of this. I am a food and wine reporter . I write cookbooks and wine books and also novels. I was a wine tutor for Detto Fatto 3, the afternoon program on Rai2 hosted by Caterina Balivo.

I have a regular column “Piaceri” every Saturday in the Corrier… Read More